Apr 07, 2023

Leaner Times for Food Processors May Call for Stretching the Life of Existing Equipment

The current challenging economic climate may necessitate stretching the lifespan of existing equipment. Companies can achieve this by implementing preventative maintenance plans, leveraging new technologies, and upgrading equipment as necessary to extend its lifespan.

We've experienced significant change in recent years. While the economic volatility we expected hasn't unfolded exactly as predicted, underlying forces always shape our thinking about the future.

Once a major concern, a recession may not materialize in the U.S., though some argue it technically began with negative growth in the first half of last year. However, there's no denying a recession is gripping the UK and Europe. With the ongoing war in Ukraine and persistent inflation, among other challenges, their economic struggles will likely continue for some time.

Companies are eager to invest but may be taking a wait-and-see approach due to current uncertainties.

Food Processors May Be Cautious About Making New Investments

If anything, all the recession talk has many in the food processing industry watching their levels of investment. For some, this means making do with what they have by optimizing their equipment investments in less volatile times. It's about the lifecycle of the machinery they purchase.

The need for skilled workers prevails, as many workers who left during COVID shutdowns may not return to the industry. Meanwhile, there continues to be a shortage of younger workers joining the industry.

When new equipment isn't in the budget, but the need to optimize remains, learning how to extend the life of what's already in place and optimizing it to run at its baseline – even years after installation - can help processors stretch their investment.

How to Increase the Performance of Existing Equipment

One way we see this playing out is that customers may be looking beyond their initial equipment purchases to understand how they can get a longer life from their machines. They may be interested in training, for example, to learn how to maintain and operate their equipment at its peak efficiency. 

Beyond that, they may want to invest in parts on hand to replace things when they wear out or, better yet, on a preventive maintenance schedule. They may also want to consider purchasing service warranties or having a partner handle anything their internal team may not be equipped to address.

Given all of this, how can processors increase the performance of their existing equipment, especially if they have fewer skilled technicians on staff to manage this undertaking? Here are a few ideas:

  • Buy extended warranties and service at the time of purchase: Equipment sellers offer extended warranties and service agreements at the time of the sale. If a processor plans to stretch a machine's life, it may want to consider purchasing these options.
  • Follow preventative maintenance schedules: Keeping up with suggested equipment maintenance will go a long way toward making it last longer. Just like a car, food processing machinery must be maintained to operate efficiently, and neglect may shorten its life.
  • Perform regular health assessments: By periodically checking on the machinery's health, issues may be able to be addressed – and prevented.
  • Replace consumables and other parts on schedule: Consumables are equipment repair, maintenance, or operation items. Keep replacing those as the manufacturer recommends to get a longer life out of the machine.
  • Watch the data to identify and address any issues quickly: Predictive maintenance is growing in use. Using software to collect, review, and act on the data when you see an alert or trend can help keep machinery in the best working condition possible.  
  • Modify and upgrade the equipment: Work with the OEM to see if solutions are available to modify or upgrade existing equipment instead of replacing the entire machine.
  • Rebuild the equipment: Another option to consider is rebuilding failing equipment. It may be possible to reconstruct the machine to operate longer.
  • Supplement with outside maintenance as needed: If the need to hire skilled technicians to help exists, some equipment providers offer a partnership option to supplement maintenance and other skilled labor.

Help Customers Make the Most of What They Have

The economy is cyclical. There will always be ups and downs.

When the path ahead is unclear, being there for customers by helping them make the most of what they already have can make a difference.

This quote rings true: "Be a beacon of certainty within the world of the uncertain."

If you can do that, they'll remember – and the relationship will last far beyond the next period of economic uncertainty.

This article was written by our CEO Bob Grote and published initially on Food Industry Executive

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